Happy Feet Fanon Wiki

Julius is a male gentoo penguin and a wise middle aged mystic. Being the youngest (and only gentoo) of Emperor Land's elders, Julius serves as a friend to Mumble as well as a mentor and father figure to Slink, Larry and Bennet. He is named after Roman Emperor Julius Caesar and is voiced/portrayed by Andy Serkis, who also portrayed Caesar the Chimpanzee in Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Julius was once an Archdeacon of Gentoo Land, before moving to Emperor Land, now living in a small cave on the outskirts of the city. He carries a 4ft long wooden staff with a small metal hook on the end. Julius does not actually talk, instead talking in a form of sign language that many penguins don't understand until late in the series. However, Julius' form of communication has led to a close friendship with Aleksei.

Julius seems to be quite talented in magical arts, as shown with the many spellbooks he owns in his cave. He appears to have a past with Stalin, for the two seemed to know each other when they first fight, and possibly has a history with Stalin's master, Nortlu Reddington.
